July 30, 2021
Global Call to Action!
Fracking is ecocide
Climate Criminals
Science = No Fracking
Regional Event

Liquefied fossil gas is an expanding form of colonialism. The energy industry is currently widely investing in expanding the production of gas, mostly by fracking, transporting it around the world in the form of liquefied gas (LNG). As fracking is a toxic production method, damaging ground waters in production areas, it is banned in many European countries. Those same European governments, however, are happy to import fracked gas, and plan on increasing their imports. Many European fossil fuel corporations are even planning on making profits from reselling that gas!
European multinationals, including Shell (Netherlands), BP (UK), Wintershall (Germany), Total (France), Equinor (Norway), Repsol (Spain), Eni (Italy), are leading expansion of fracking elsewhere in the world. Especially in the Global South and indigenous territories in the US & Canada, fossil fuel companies are violating human rights, displacing communities, and causing severe illness and death due to the irreversible contamination caused by the fracking process. Moreover, methane leaks in fracking result in it being one of the worst climate crisis accelerators!
Gas expansion is simply climate fraud. The governments and energy corporations in Europe will have cleaner greenhouse gas records, in Europe, just because they export a major part of their pollution to the Global South! Multiple LNG import terminals are being built or expanded across Europe with public funds, selling the public one of the worst types of fossil fuel as the best. The planned gas infrastructure will lock Europe into decades of gas consumption, and render the Paris Agreement and all climate commitments made in paper completely unattainable. Two gas basins alone, Vaca Muerta (Argentina) and the Kavango (Namibia & Botswana) are huge carbon bombs in the Global South which, put together, will consume nearly 1/3 of the entire global carbon budget necessary to comply with the 1,5 °C target of the Paris Agreement.
It is time to urgently put an end to this climate injustice and colonialism. Ende Gelände is coming together with the Shale Must Fall coalition of movements and front-line groups across the world and calling for a decentralized global day(s) of action on July 30th. On their side in Germany, they will carry out an unprecedented mass action against gas, fracking & colonialism in Brünsbuttel, in the north of the country, where an LNG import terminal is planned. Groups from Shale Must Fall will also carry out actions in multiple countries of the Global South + North.
We call on other movements around the world to join in this action in an international effort! We will connect the dots of the supply chain of the industry between the sites of extraction (mainly in the Global South and North America) and the consumption in Europe.
With our action together, we can make the front-line struggles against the industry visible. Especially those in the Global South, which are paying the highest price in human rights violations and murders, need to be brought to wider attention. We want to amplify the voices of those fighting for their survival against fossil fuel corporations, whose struggles are being silenced and suppressed. Their stories have to be finally recognized in Europe, where many of the responsible climate criminals are based, and the European energy politics changed to stop this destruction.
Let’s come together uniting the Global North with the Global South in an unprecedented global action that may mark a before-and-after in the fight for climate justice and against gas, fracking & colonialism!
Join us!
Please send us an email at info@shalemustfall.org
Global Call to Action!
No fracking! No fossil gas boom! Shut down colonialism and fossil fuel capitalism!
Join us in an international action day against fossil gas expansion and fracking! On July 30th, we make it clear we will not accept this colonialism, environmental destruction and climate fraud!
The fossil fuel industry, together with its allies in governments and the media, are making a major push globally to install fossil gas as a “bridge fuel”. They claim it “burns cleaner than coal and will allow a transition toward renewable energies.” This narrative could not be further from the truth: When the full extraction process for gas is taken into account, depending on where and how it is extracted, the carbon footprint of this fossil fuel is either comparable or much worse than even that of coal. Fossil gas produced by fracking is especially detrimental – both to climate and local environment!