
August 2022
Global Call to Action!
Global Online Solidarity Action (video)
No fracking! No fossil gas boom! No LNG! Shut down and dismantle colonialism and fossil fuel capitalism now!
Not Here, Not Anywhere
(read the testimonials)
Climate Criminals
(Know the actors)
Fracking Is Ecocide
(Learn about the consequences)
Voices From The Global South
Solidarity In The Global North
The Earth Is Exploited & Poisoned
Shale Must Fall is an international solidarity campaign connecting environmental struggles from the frontlines of extractivism in the Global South and beyond, mobilizing on the same day with their counterparts of consumption in the Global North. It seeks at the same time to bring visibility and accountability to some of the world’s largest environmental criminals and top polluters from Europe -Shell, Total, BP, Wintershall- by helping amplify in the Global North the local struggles against their ecocides in the Global South. The campaign focuses on connecting the multiple aspects of the fracking industry (extraction, LNG export/import terminals, pipelines, plastics, etc) as a common denominator connecting these and other major multinational shale companies, but also including other environmental struggles from the frontlines in the Global South directly related to ecocides and human rights violations as part of the operations of those companies. The campaign may also target governments (and their foreign representations) involved with these companies and promoting their activities/products.

Drastic Measures Must Be Taken For Our Climate
Climate Destroying Greenhouse Gas
Science has shown fracking to be responsible for more than 50% of all of the increased methane emissions from fossil fuels globally and approximately 1/3 of the total increased emissions from all sources globally over the past decade. Methane is 87 times more harmful than CO2 in its global warming impact on the atmosphere during the first 20 years, and thus the fracking industry is a major cause for accelerating global warming which must be tackled globally. This also makes shale gas the fossil fuel with highest greenhouse gas emissions among all fossil fuels, and an unbeatable tool for dismantling the dominant narrative that has portrayed gas as a clean transition fuel- which we will use as a platform to launch a broader narrative explaining why we must reject all gas as “Clean Gas is a Dirty Lie”.
Crucial Climate Goals
Shale Must Fall will involve multiple movements and countries coming together, seeking to break the relative isolation of many struggles by connecting the dots and joining forces to present a coordinated multinational resistance against a threat that is multinational in nature.
The campaign name is inspired by and comes from a play on words on the Shell Must Fall campaign from the Netherlands, in which the concepts of climate justice and international solidarity are at its very heart, as it traces its own origins and inspiration to an anticolonial struggle from the Global South: “The campaign title Shell Must Fall is inspired by the South-African Rhodes Must Fall and Fees Must Fall campaigns, in which students demanded the decolonization of the education system and large-scale social and economic transformations, with the aim of tackling deep rooted racism, inequality and injustice. The fossil giant Shell is built on similar colonial structures and aggregates existing inequalities and (climate) racism. This must end. The Shell Must Fall campaign fights for a systemic transformation in solidarity with the student-activists from the campaigns in South Africa.” Shell Must Fall has also inspired other campaigns, such as INEOS Will Fall and BP Must Fall.
The campaign will be decentralized and organized by “connecting dots” between different sides of the same industry/company from around the world. Each country will organize its own campaign independently according to their own priorities and what is most relevant to them.
Major Goals
– Build the critical mass necessary in Europe to ban companies from doing in the rest of the world what they are not allowed to do in their own countries, as well as to close the consuming end in Europe to the products of these environmental crimes perpetrated in the rest of the world, such as in this case shale gas.
– Apply international pressure on governments and companies involved in this ecocide.
– Increase the global visibility of the frontline struggles from the Global South and other extraction zones.
– Capitalize on the negative and indefensible image of fracking among most of the public to launch a broader narrative against all gas, in order to start bringing down the dominant narrative of gas as a clean and transition fuel.
– With fracking as a great example of a major form of global ecocide, help give more global visibility to the term ecocide in order to help push the campaign for a law to make ecocide an international crime.
Ontario - “A lot of LNG gets shipped through here and it’s been the main fuel source for the growth of cities here. I’m concerned about the impacts of how this hits everyone and hearing the testimonies and the impacts on the climate.”
France - “I have the privilege to not have my daily life impacted by fracking but it’s really representative of the insanity of my country. If you look at it from any point of view, it’s just like, why? Obviously we have to fight...
Mexico - “I was looking yesterday at a gas company that said their ‘gas was the ecosolution’. It was hard to look at that website and see that. We import our gas from Texas and we are hypocrites. The governor before has said that he’s against fracking, but we import...
Barcelona - “I feel like apologizing because it doesn’t affect me directly. I’m part of the privileged people. Over here we are not personally affected by fracking, but we are very worried about global warming. I am worried about the consequences. We are always taking...
Lebanon - “They found gas offshore of Lebanon and they are telling us this is going to be the golden ticket that is going to save our country. I don’t believe that this is going to help.”
Washington US
Washington - “I’m the black sheep of my family. My family doesn’t get it - they just consume and consume and it’s really hard to know that on the other side of consumerism is destruction. I do this work because I want kids and I want people to have safe and happy...
Democratic Republic of Congo
Congo - “People are afraid. Our stability and politics are not good here. People are afraid and stressed and being threatened. Policeman. Soldiers. People. Everyone’s afraid. We want to strengthen ourselves because they’ve already done a lot of things. We are...
Netherlands - “One of the things that scares me the most is that these companies will care less and less and less and go to even greater lengths to get what they want and it scares me how far they’ve already gone.”
Southern Cape Africa
“I am an emerging farmer from Nieu Bethesda, I started farming in 2009so I am very worried about fracking, It can impact our farming it can destroy our whole future and our children and their children. These are the people we must think about. So we say no to...
“The Okavango Delta covers over 36,000 square kilometres across Namibia, Botswana and it has been handed over to oil giant ReconAfrica for fracking. Fracking requires a lot of water which two desert countries do not have. That could lead to human and animal...
“On November third we were threatened by a group called The Black Eagles, and they threatened us to leave the territory to avoid our death or assassination. This perilous situation is being experienced by around 18 leaders who defend the water, the swamps and the air...
Texas USA
“My name is Janice Blancock, my son passed away on August 7th 2016. He was a healthy young teenage boy, out playing basketball. He woke up in the middle of the night on Thanksgiving break with excruciating pain and numbness in his legs. They diagnosed him with Ewings...
Pennsylvania USA
“Everywhere there’s a gap in the tress there’s a well, sometimes it(tap water) bubbles and hisses when it comes out ... there were days when the four kids were out of school sick, everybody was sick, including me for over a month. Jean next door spoke to me at...
“She would always arrive, no matter what. I remember once we had an event here and we told her. She had no way to come all the way here or anything but she appeared walking. She appeared walking, and came here to stay with us, to accompany us. And we even laughed at...
SE England
UK Oil & Gas Ltd, Angus Energy, IGas (Igas are not ‘fracking’ in SE England but have conventional oil and gas sites which they would frack if they could!) are exploring and drilling in conventional and unconventional shale oil and gas reservoirs and reinjection of...
Nepal is a country known for its beautiful landscapes and natural and cultural heritages. For most of the last century, much of this has been ravaged by rampact developmental works. A new threat looms in the district of Dailekh for now. In early 2019, the Government...
Ireland Against Fracking
A Blueprint for how to succeed against the corporations as told by the successes in Ireland. Ireland is a front line in the global fight against the LNG industry. Our land features shale basins, ripe for fracking. We are also on the shipping route from North America....
Stories From The Frontlines
(Video Testimonial Page - main menu) “My name is Ina – Maria Shikongo, I’m from Namibia. I am an orphan of war. It’s been 30 years since we know the definition of peace in this country and now Recon Africa is taking us back into memory...