Fracking is Global
Fracking is ecocide
Climate Criminals
Science = No Fracking
Regional Event

The Struggle Unites Groups Around The World
From the Global South to the Global North, the fight to halt fossil-fuels expands
Rampant Resource Extraction Kills
We are more than collateral damage!
Watch How
World Water Day: From Talk To Action!
March 22nd is World Water Day, a date of critical significance at a time when the climate crisis is leading to growing water scarcity and the vital element has started trading in Wall Street as a speculative asset rather than a basic human right.
Ontario - “A lot of LNG gets shipped through here and it’s been the main fuel source for the growth of cities here. I’m concerned about the impacts of how this hits everyone and hearing the testimonies and the impacts on the climate.”
France - “I have the privilege to not have my daily life impacted by fracking but it’s really representative of the insanity of my country. If you look at it from any point of view, it’s just like, why? Obviously we have to fight...
Mexico - “I was looking yesterday at a gas company that said their ‘gas was the ecosolution’. It was hard to look at that website and see that. We import our gas from Texas and we are hypocrites. The governor before has said that he’s against fracking, but we import...
Barcelona - “I feel like apologizing because it doesn’t affect me directly. I’m part of the privileged people. Over here we are not personally affected by fracking, but we are very worried about global warming. I am worried about the consequences. We are always taking...
Lebanon - “They found gas offshore of Lebanon and they are telling us this is going to be the golden ticket that is going to save our country. I don’t believe that this is going to help.”
Washington US
Washington - “I’m the black sheep of my family. My family doesn’t get it - they just consume and consume and it’s really hard to know that on the other side of consumerism is destruction. I do this work because I want kids and I want people to have safe and happy...
Democratic Republic of Congo
Congo - “People are afraid. Our stability and politics are not good here. People are afraid and stressed and being threatened. Policeman. Soldiers. People. Everyone’s afraid. We want to strengthen ourselves because they’ve already done a lot of things. We are...
Netherlands - “One of the things that scares me the most is that these companies will care less and less and less and go to even greater lengths to get what they want and it scares me how far they’ve already gone.”
Southern Cape Africa
“I am an emerging farmer from Nieu Bethesda, I started farming in 2009so I am very worried about fracking, It can impact our farming it can destroy our whole future and our children and their children. These are the people we must think about. So we say no to...